Server Wiki

Basic commands

  • /spawn - Teleports you to the spawn (/tp is disabled)
  • /votelist - Lists links for voting sites. You get $100 for each vote on the server.
  • /balance or /money - Shows how much money you have
  • /claimlist - Shows how many claim blocks you have
  • /buyclaim - Buy claim blocks for $2/block
  • /sellclaim - Sell claim blocks for $1/block
  • /pvp on/off - Toggles PVP (off by default)
  • /afk - Displays in chat that you're AFK
  • /playtime - Shows how long you've been playing on the server
  • /pay [player] [amount] - Transfer money to a player
  • /skulls - Gives access to the head database to buy decorative blocks


  • The server uses a plugin called GriefPrevention for land claims.
  • The first time you place a chest the surrounding area will be protected.
  • Claim new lands or change existing ones by right clicking with a golden shovel.
  • Here's a link to all of the instructions you'll need. A few points that might be especially useful on the server from this page:
    • Subclaims (especially if you'd like to start a new town with plots)
    • Trust, access trust, container trust, build trust, permission trust


This video pretty much says it all:

  • Barrels and trap chests can also be used.

    Town Management

    You can easily set up subclaims inside any of your claims. Using "flags" each claim/subclaim can be given a price for which other players can buy access/build/container trust.

    • /subdivideclaim - Changes gold shovel selection into subdivision mode. Set the corners of a subclaim inside an already existing claim.
    • /setclaimflag - Using the flags below you can customise claims you're standing in:
      • /setclaimflag BuyAccessTrust - Set price for access trust of the claim/subclaim
      • /setclaimflag BuyBuildTrust - Set price for build trust of the claim/subclaim
      • /setclaimflag BuyContainertrust - Set price for containertrust trust of the claim/subclaim
      • /setclaimflag BuySubclaim - Set price for ownership/full control of the subclaim
      • /setclaimflag EnterMessage - Set welcome message for claim/subclaim
      • /setclaimflag ExitMessage - Set farewell message for claim/subclaim
      • /setclaimflag ViewContainers - Allow opening (but not using) containers inside claim

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