You can easily set up subclaims inside any of your claims. Using "flags" each claim/subclaim can be given a price for which other players can buy access/build/container trust.
/subdivideclaim - Changes gold shovel selection into subdivision mode. Set the corners of a subclaim inside an already existing claim.
/setclaimflag - Using the flags below you can customise claims you're standing in:
/setclaimflag BuyAccessTrust - Set price for access trust of the claim/subclaim
/setclaimflag BuyBuildTrust - Set price for build trust of the claim/subclaim
/setclaimflag BuyContainertrust - Set price for containertrust trust of the claim/subclaim
/setclaimflag BuySubclaim - Set price for ownership/full control of the subclaim
/setclaimflag EnterMessage - Set welcome message for claim/subclaim
/setclaimflag ExitMessage - Set farewell message for claim/subclaim